
Smart & Air-conditioned Class Room:

Noblehood school has adequate number of air conditioned classrooms which are spacious, well furnished, well lit and ventilated. Every classroom is equipped with a smart board and a CCTV camera. Each class room has number of soft boards to display students’ work, important notice, creativity and many more things.

Computer Lab:

We have computer lab with 48 systems with internet connection exclusively for students. Students visit the computer lab during a designated class. In addition, dedicated and trained teachers are always at hand to help students with research and project work. NHS is also Wi-Fi enabled.

School Counselor:

NHS is dedicated to the emotional well-being of every child. Whether it is to have a casual chat or to resolve a deeper issue, students can approach a qualified and full-time school counsellor. Parents are also welcome to contact the school counsellor with regard to their children.

Kids Play Area:

At NOBLEHOOD, we aim for perfection in everything…including sports. We have sports activities so that students from all age groups can enjoy, relax and exercise all at the same time. The school is proud of its various courts like Basketball, Football, Badminton, Volleyball, Skating and Athletics available to all students. Every ground is made with unique concept for better upbringing student.

Sports Field:

At NOBLEHOOD, we aim for perfection in everything…including sports. We have sports activities so that students from all age groups can enjoy, relax and exercise all at the same time. The school is proud of its various courts like Basketball, Football, Badminton, Volleyball, Skating and Athletics available to all students. Every ground is made with unique concept for better upbringing student.


The library facility is at the heart of our school community. NHS is the first in UPLETA to host an e-library. There is computer for students to read e-books and materials on. The library is a book lovers' paradise with novels, magazines, encyclopedia and subject-specific books. The friendly librarians are ever willing to offer a helping hand to students who want to use the library. There is also a story telling room for Kindergarten kids. Library is a compulsory period from Pre-Primary to Grade 8.The role of the library is to provide a dynamic and flexible space that is innovatively designed with best practices and research in mind where students can explore and use various resources in different formats. They are encouraged to grow and become passionate learners and individuals where the world of knowledge opens up to them.

Dance Area:

Dance, Dramatics and Music classes are a hit among students and for good reason. Our professional dance instructors help children explore both Indian and contemporary disciplines. The Dance Area is themed with all styles of dances which motivates students and gives choices.

Music Area:

"They teach you that there is a boundary line to music…but how can there be a limit to an art?"

One famous musician said these same words many years back. Today, our daily lives are filled with limitations and rules. One place, probably one place in the entire universe, where there are no rules and regulations is in the world of music. NOBLEHOOD wants students to be able to express their own ideas, to be able to live in their own world for some time, to be able to learn what kind of a person they really are from inside. NHS has one sound-proof and themed music rooms where students are taught singing. Along with that instruments including the Keyboard, Tablas, Guitars, Drums, Harmoniums, Military drumming system and many more instruments are taught as extracurricular activities for students of NHS.

Yoga Area:

Keeping the same in our mind, from childhood of students we are very much alert about their health and therefore special YOGA AREA has been designed for students of NHS. The YOGA Area is themed in such a way that only positivity stays inside with wonderful trainers of NHS.


The morning assembly is famous in the auditorium of NHS. The educational movies, important videos are shown in group in order to make children’s aware of moving world. The auditorium is about 2000 Sq ft. having capacity of 510 students cornered with CCTV camera everywhere


NHS has a fleet of buses, TATA Magic, etc that reach most parts of the city. On each bus we have an on spot tracking system, Real-Time Alerts and Event Logs. Every child tracking system is amazing in Noblehood Transport system. Drivers of the buses and vans are trained and monitored to ensure the safety of each child..