

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul” ― Martha Graham

Contemporary, Hip-Hop, Bollywood, Classical, etc are teaches in NHS. Teacher is so enthusiastic that makes students passionate about the same.


“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” ― Aldous Huxley

Music is everything for us. We are considering as a inner curriculum, therefore we believe each and every student of our organisation should learn the same. Guitar, Violin, Keyboard, Harmonium, Flute, tambourine, Vocal, Tablas and many more instruments are actively played.


“Yoga is light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.” ― B.K.S. Iyengar

Every asana brings joy and happiness therefore we believe practicing YOGA everyday makes mind, body and thoughts healthier. Every student loves to do in respective activity class.

Kung Fu-Karate:

Blocks - Kicks - Punches - Stances - Strikes - Throw - Kataz


Balancing is very important on body and in life. Therefore we believe teaching the same from beginning of their life so they can solve the consequences in future.


We have special session in weekend for each and every child. Students enjoy a lot shaping the body through the same.


We have an official ground in campus and developing students by training, practice and passion for the game.


“Study – Eat – Play Football – Repeat”

The above mentioned is what most students of NHS think of. Playing football is joy for them rather than just a game.


100 m running - 200 m running - 400 m running – Marathon – Relay - Long Jump - High Jump - Shot-put - Javelin Throw

Mickey Mouse Play Area:

NHS have special place for the playing area. The zone is developed under special strength with the viewpoints of architect.


Majority of celebrations are held at “NOBLEHOOD SCHOOL”

  • Every Major Festivals (Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Janmashtami, Diwali, and many more.
  • Unique themes are recorded and list of performances are carried
  • Every national and important day (Independence Days, Republic Day, etc) are celebrated with great enthusiasm.


“Healthy competitions is sign of growth”

We are conducting many competitions from which some are mentioned below: Elocution – Handwriting – Quiz - Math Skill – Painting – Dance – Music